I Choose Love

The Lost Bells
2 min readAug 15, 2020
Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

I haven’t written a blog post in a long time, but tonight as I laid awake the words to what I would write kept playing across my mind as if they were being typed across the page of my mind. The repeating theme: I choose love.

The last month has been one of the most grueling I can recall and it’s left us questioning ourselves and awake in the night and stressed and stretched to what surely feels like our limits. We’ve been under-communicating and over-reacting and getting sucked in by the waves of old, familiar patterns we thought we had outgrown. It has been brutal. Sorry to paint such an unpleasant picture.

Here’s where my thoughts led me to tonight; ultimately I have a choice. We have a choice. We choose what we create. I know, I know, it’s not that simple you might want to say, me too, most days. But deep down, I believe it. I really do believe we’re the master of our own fate. The words we speak matter. The thoughts we think have power. The actions we repeat create the reality we see.

So, in the face of fear I choose love.

In the face of obstacles and disappointments and unmet expectations, I choose love.

Under the weight of stifling guilt, I choose love.

In a swirling world full of chaos and uncertainty, I choose love.

Despite sickness and pain, I choose love.

In the face of criticism, cruelty, and condemnation, I choose love.

And I will do it again and again and again.

Each day I fall short and it’s so easy for me to bury myself in a pile of heavy bricks of shame and guilt and grief and disappointment and failure, but I don’t want to carry all that weight with me! I choose love. Right now, each morning, with every breath I commit to choosing love. And when I inevitably stumble and the pull of old, familiar patterns overcome me, or I am overwhelmed by disappointment, I commit to choosing love. And by choosing love I empower myself — one by one I throw off each brick and by so doing know I am bringing more light to my life, my love to my family, and more love to the world. I won’t stop. I commit to love.

I am here because of love. My purpose is love. I choose love.

